Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Distraction and Peace

We live in a world full of distractions. Cable television, the Internet, social media, smart phones, demanding jobs, crowded schedules, email, etc…can keep us distracted and unfocused. Distractions are an obstacle to oneness with God, oneness with others, and experiencing peace.

God Says

The Lord answered, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things. One thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part. It won’t be taken away from her.” –Mark 10:41-42

Something to Think About 

Jesus was visiting Mary and Martha. He was on His way to die and wanted to spend time with them. Martha was distracted by many things. She wasn’t able to focus on Jesus because she was too busy preparing a meal and cleaning the house. Nothing wrong with a nice meal and a clean house, but she also missed an opportunity to sit at the feet of God because she was distracted. 

Individual or Family Activity 

1. Think about or talk about: what are you missing out on because you are distracted? 

2. Plan an evening or a day free from distractions. Unplug from the world and plug into God’s grace. Journal or talk about what the experience was like to be free of distractions.

Individual or Family Prayer

Dear God,

I live in a world full of distractions.
Things that waste my time.
Harmless activities that may not be so harmless.

I confess times I have been too connected to the world and
            disconnected from You.
I have been preoccupied with work or information or leisure and
            disconnected from others.

Bless me with discipline so I am not wasting my time or my life.
Teach me to value community with others over entertainment.
Give me many undistracted and undisrupted moments with You.


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