Saturday, December 14, 2013

Peace and Balance

Balance is the combination of our relationships, physical health, work, finances, emotional health, and spiritual development. We can lose balance when one of more of these becomes unhealthy and dysfunctional. 

God Says 

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. –Ecclesiastes 3:1

Something to Think About 

We can’t and shouldn’t attempt to emphasize and do and be everything at once. Ecclesiastes writes beautiful and powerful words about balance: for everything there is a season and a time. Balance creates an environment where peace can be practiced and lived out. 

Individual or Family Activity 

Think or talk about what areas in your life are balanced. Think or talk about areas in your life that are out of balance. Pray about ways God can bring balance to your life and help you experience peace. 

Individual or Family Prayer

Hectic. Rushed. Worried. 
Stressed. Cluttered. Burdened. 
Lonely. Tired. Complex. 
It is my life but not Your plan for my life. 

By your grace, become the priority and passion of my life. 

When I lack – You sustain. 
When I am alone – You are present. 
When I am overwhelmed – You are my help. 
When I am defeated – You are my hope. 

You provide my needs. 

Faith. Family. Friends. 
Work. Wellness. Wealth. 
Sleep. School. Spending. 

I am pulled in all directions. Pull me in Your direction. 

I confess I have made choices that have caused me to lose balance.
Forgive me when these choices have been intentional. 

I live in an imperfect world that makes balanced living difficult. 
Give me wisdom not to conform to the patterns of the world but to be transformed by the Gospel. 

I pray for organization in the details of life. 
My distractions on non-essentials are many. I pray for focus on the essential things of life. 

Help me give my time, energy, and resources to the important – not the urgent. 
Help me say “no” to mediocre or even good things so I can say “yes” to the best. 

Let me embrace simplicity and flexibility rather than complexity and rigidness.
Give me clear purposes in life. I want to love and be loved by You. 
Make my relationships be life-giving and joyful for me and for those I relate to.
Help me love like you and extend my hand in service to those around me. 

I am a sinner. Lead me to experience your forgiveness and to share forgiveness with others. 
I am jealous and envious. Fill me with thankfulness and gratitude. 
I have neglected my body. Help me take care of myself through exercise, nutrition, and rest. 
I have let my work become my life. Allow me to see that my value comes from You. 

I am unbalanced. It is my life but not Your plan for my life. 
I am pulled in all directions. Pull me in your direction. 

Give me harmony and peace. 
Give me grace and balance. 

In the name of Jesus I pray, 


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